Denise Wiesner L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., founder of the Natural Healing and Acupuncture Clinic in West Los Angeles. She has a Bachelor’s of Science in Exercise Kinesiology (UCLA), an Master of Arts in traditional Chinese medicine (Emperor's College), and is a certified sex coach. She is a member of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), and a charter member of the Fertile Soul: Clinical Excellence in Fertility program. Denise specializes in women’s health, sexuality, and fertility since 1994. Denise has taught professional seminars to medical doctors, OB/GYNs, and nurse midwives. In addition she is a professor in the doctoral program in Chinese Medicine, Fertility, and Women’s Health at Yo San University. She is also the author of the upcoming book, Conceiving with Love, A Whole Body Approach To Creating Intimacy, Reigniting Passion and Increasing Fertility.
Speakers Online Courses
Daoshing Ni, Denise Wiesner, Brenda Strong, Cheryl Arutt, Katherine Anderson, Laraine Crampton, Lorne Brown, Mao Shing Ni, Paul Turek, Richard Buyalos, Richard Marrs, Shiaoting Jing
On Demand Video Course
12.00 CEU/PDAs