The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia is the regulatory body for the profession of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in BC, mandated to regulate in the public interest.
Must complete 50 hours of continuing education every two years (March 31st is anniversary date)
The following is meant to help create some clarity and also provide you with resources to allow you to easily and cost effectively complete your required hours by March 31st for CTCMA renewal.
British Columbia registrants of the CTCMA must complete 50 hours of continuing education every two years (March 31st is anniversary date)
Definition of Category A1:
Updated September 28, 2022
A1 Live (including in‐person or online) interactive workshop, seminar or training when attendance is taken and monitored;
A2 Electronically offered continuing education when two conditions are met (i) attendance is taken and monitored,
(ii) there is an assessment tool for the course.
Typical characteristics are: the event is planned in advance; speakers have professional credentials in TCM/A, biomedicine, health care; printed documentation is provided, registration fee is typically charged.
Minimum 6 out of 50 hours must be in person (face-to-face) and may be completed through categories A1 and/or C. See Category D for special information.
A minimum of 4 out of 50 hours must focus on ethical practice in TCM/A. This may include a review of practice advisories, the Code of Ethics, ethical problem solving. The ethics requirement may be obtained through one or more of categories A, B, C, or D. The requirement could be met entirely through self‐study.
October 1, 2022. (see above for update Sept 2022)
The Quality Assurance Committee has updated the definition for the Continuing Competency Program’s Category A (Direct Participatory, Formal Programs) Modal Activity A1 as follows:
A1 Live (including in-person or online) interactive workshop, seminar or training when attendance is taken and monitored.
This means that online real-time courses can now be counted as Activity A1. This can be counted retroactively to CE activities from October 1, 2020. Updated Continuing Competency Program Requirements (October 2020) is available on the College website - Continuing Education
Allowance to Substitute the Required Minimum 6 hours of In-person CE Activities for Registrants Who Are Due to Report CE Hours by April 2021
For registrants who are required to report / declare their CE hours by April 2021, the minimum 6 hours of “in- person” activity can be fulfilled by the following activities:
- Self-Study of the College’s Covid-19 Clinical Resource Package* as included in Category B can be counted to a maximum of 4 hours. These hours can be in addition to the maximum 16 hours per reporting period limit for Category B activity.
- Self-Review and Update of the Covid-19 Safety Plan for Clinical Practice* as included in Category B can be counted to a maximum of 2 hours. These hours can be in addition to the maximum 16 hours per reporting period limit for Category B activity.
- Online webinars / seminars as included in Category A with topics related to the following areas can be counted to a maximum of 6 hours. o Infection Prevention & Control o Risk Management for Emergency and Emerging Situations o Patient Record Keeping
- Structural Interactive Activities as included in Category C that are conducted virtually (remotely) AND live with topics related to the following areas can be counted to a maximum of 6 hours. These hours can be in addition to the maximum 10 hours per reporting period limit for Category C activity.
- Infection Prevention & Control
- Risk Management for Emergency and Emerging Situations All registrants reporting CE by April 2021 are expected to complete of 50 hours of CE every 2 years and to be able to provide proof when asked as specified under Bylaw S. 57(1)(a), 58(1)(a), 58(2)(a), 58(3)(a).
Link to Covid-19 Clinical Resource Package
Links to Covid-19 Safety Plan for Clinical Practice:
- Health professions: Protocols for returning to operation
Registrants can record their activities in the CE activity log (Excel version / Pdf version). Registrants should ensure that they are in compliance each year with the program requirements, and keep a record of their activities over the year for ease of record production in the event that they are chosen as part of the annual audit.
Healthy Seminars can help you fulfill 44 of your 50 hours all online through Live Webinars and recorded courses including your 4 hours of Ethics (category D) before the March 3st, 2014 deadline.
Healthy Seminars offers:
Here is a list of upcoming Live Webinars
For more information on its CEU requirements, visit the CTCMA Website.