Shiaoting Jing | Healthy Seminars

Shiaoting Jing

Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine

Massachusetts Details
NCCAOM Details
553-536, 553-537
Send Updated NCCAOM Certificate
Send NCCAOM Certificate
01-31-2019 through 01-31-2021
Texas Details
Price: $300.00
Content included with this product.
Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicineimmediately after purchasefor 2 years
Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicineimmediately after purchasefor 2 yearsAdvances in Integrative Reproductive Medicineimmediately after purchasefor 2 years

Please note this course is no longer approved for California acupuncture CEUs.

If you need live California acupuncture CEUs, check out our upcoming live webinars and for on-demand distance courses approved by California, please visit our CAB approval page.

The objectives of this 2-day symposium are:

  1. To provide an update on current clinical practices and integrative management of select conditions in Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health, including Menopause, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), common gynecological malignancies as well as general fertility care.
  2. Provide acupuncturists with practical clinical knowledge on how acupuncture / TCM can be integrated into the care of patients with the above-mentioned select conditions.
  3. Provide acupuncturists with insight on the role of acupuncture / TCM in optimizing pregnancy ratesand the future of integrative fertility care.
D7 Presenter: 
Daoshing Ni
Denise Wiesner
Brenda Strong
Cheryl Arutt
Katherine Anderson
Laraine Crampton
Lorne Brown
Mao Shing Ni
Paul Turek
Richard Buyalos
Richard Marrs
Shiaoting Jing

Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine – Part Two - Distance Education

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Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine – Part Two
ABORM Exam and Renewal 6.0 hours - AACMA 6.0 points allocated
Florida Provider 50-8743; 20-644783; 2.0 GEN, 4 BIOMED
NZRA; 6 CEU - IIllinois (225.000020) 6 CEU
NCCAOM ACHB 553-537; 6 PDA AOM-BIO - Texas Provider CAE00011; 6 CAE GEN
CTCMA; 6 CEU, Category B3 - Massachusetts 6.0 (Core)
California CEP 591: 6 CEU Cat 1 (Valid to 12/31/2022)

Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine – Part Two

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Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine – Part Two
Sun, 03/24/2019
ABORM Exam and Renewal 6.0 hours - AACMA 6.0 points allocated
Florida Provider 50-8743; 20-647641; 2.0 GEN, 4 BIOMED
NZRA; 6 CEU - IIllinois (225.000020) 6 CEU
NCCAOM ACHB 553-540; 6 PDA AOM-BIO - Texas Provider CAE00011; 6 CAE GEN
California 591; Cat 1, 6.0 CEU (Valid to 12/31/2022)
CTCMA; 6 CEU, Category A2 - Massachusett

Current Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health - Distance Education

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Current Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health
CTCMA; 7 CEU, Category B3 - AACMA: 7 CPD points allocated
NCCAOM 553-486; 5.0 AOM-AC, 2.0 AOM-BIO
Texas CAE00011; 5 AC CAE, 2 BIO CAE
Illinois (225.000020) 7 CEU - Massachusetts (7 GEN)
ABORM 7 CEU Renewal - NZRA; 7 CEU
Florida 50-8743; 20-628278; 5 GEN, 2 BIO
California 591, 7.0 CEU Category 1 (Valid to 12/31/2022)

Current Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health

Massachusetts Details
NCCAOM Details
Send Updated NCCAOM Certificate
Send NCCAOM Certificate
01-08-2018 through 06-01-2023
Texas Details
Price: $175.00
Content included with this product.
Current Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine and Women's Healthimmediately after purchaseuntil 01/28/2020 - 15:56

Please note this course is no longer approved for California acupuncture CEUs.

If you need live California acupuncture CEUs, check out our upcoming live webinars and for on-demand distance courses approved by California, please visit our CAB approval page.

The objectives of this full-day seminar are:

1. To provide an update on current clinical practices and integrative management of select conditions in Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health, including, Menopause, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), common gynecological malignancies as well as general fertility care.

2. Provide acupuncturists with practical clinical knowledge on how acupuncture/ TCM can be integrated into the care of patients with the above-mentioned select conditions.

3. Provide acupuncturists with insight on the role of acupuncture/TCM in optimizing pregnancy rates and the future of integrative fertility care.

830-930   The Future of Integrative Fertility Care, Richard Marrs, M.D.

930-1030   Optimizing Pregnancy Rates in Women of Advancing Reproductive Age, Richard Buyalos, M.D.

1030-1130    TCM Integration into Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Care, Daoshing Ni, Ph.D., L.Ac.

1130-1215    Fertility Achieved! Success Stories and Experiences from Patients and Practitioners, Panel Discussion

1215-115   Lunch break

115-200   Integrative Reproductive Medicine Research: Highlights of YSU DAOM Dissertations in Integrative Reproductive Medicine, Panel Discussion

200-300   Perspectives on Male Fertility Care, Paul Turek, M.D.

300-400   Enhancing Ovulatory Function & Fertility in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with TCM, Shiaoting Jing, Ph.D., L.Ac.

400-500   Integrative Anti-Aging Approach to Enhancing Fertility, Mao Shing Ni, Ph.D., L.Ac.

D7 Presenter: 
Richard Buyalos
Laraine Crampton
Brady Chin
Richard Marrs
Mao Shing Ni
Paul Turek
Shiaoting Jing
Dr. Daoshing Ni

Current Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health

Please login or register to take this course.
Current Advances in Integrative Reproductive Medicine and Women's Health
Sun, 01/28/2018
CTCMA; 7 CEU, Category A2 - AACMA: 7 CPD points allocated
NCCAOM 553-485; 5.0 AOM-AC, 2.0 AOM-BIO
Texas CAE00011; 5 AC CAE, 2 BIO CAE
Illinois (225.000020) 7 CEU - Massachusetts (7 GEN)
ABORM 7 CEU Renewal - NZRA; 7 CEU
Florida 50-8743; 20-628278; 5 GEN, 2 BIO
California 591, 7.0 CEU Category 1 (Valid to 12/31/2022)

Shiaoting Jing

Shiaoting Jing
Shiaoting Jing

Shiaoting Jing PhD, LAc received her Oriental Medicine degree after completing a five-year medical program at Gan Su College of TCM. She also has an MA and an OMD degree from the prestigious Beijing University of TCM, the largest and most advanced medical training institute in China. Ms. Jing has 20 years of experience in teaching and clinical practice, and has expertise in gynecological disorders, including infertility, endometriosis, and PMS.