Distress and the Human Heart: The Other Pandemic - Safety and Ethics in the 21st Century - Distance Education
On Demand Video Course
Rosa N Schnyer
The last decade has seen a steep escalation of mental health crises across the socioeconomic and generational spectrum. It is estimated that more than one in ten people worldwide live with a mental health disorder. In the US alone, an estimated 50% of all Americans are diagnosed with a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. These numbers do not account for people who experience significant emotional distress but do not fit the criteria for an actual mental health disorder. Furthermore, the Coronavirus pandemic has had a substantial impact across the globe on mental well-being and the effects are estimated to be broader than initially thought by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies, whose samples were limited to individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 or were previously sick.
Patients seeking acupuncture services for any condition, but especially for chronic pain and chronic illness management, are increasingly likely to be experiencing a potentially life-threatening mental-emotional crisis when seeking services. Prepare yourself to provide effective and safe support for all patients across the emotional distress spectrum, from crises adaptation to psychopathology. Prevent your own burnout and equip yourself with clear guidelines to practice with integrity, safety and skill.