4 Transporters of the 8 Extras: Managing Resources Through Adversity | Healthy Seminars

4 Transporters of the 8 Extras: Managing Resources Through Adversity

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4 Transporters of the 8 Extras: Managing Resources Through Adversity


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The Wei and Qiao Mai are the 4 Transporters of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels[8EV]. They are the vehicles of circulation that distribute the vital substances that are held in the 4 Seas (Chong, Du, Ren, and Dai Mai). These vessels take what we are given as our birthright in the form of our constitution and they allocate those pre-natal resources as we need them. They are the vessels that fuel life’s journey. As the circumstances of our lives change our need for specific resources also changes. The Transporters help us to adapt. They recognize the changing needs and try to maintain continuity while the world around us changes.

As we face adversity, we are asked to adapt over and over again. The 4 Transporters also adapt and we begin to develop a “character style” that determines how we will face life’s challenges like aging or conflict in relationships. When our Transporters are healthy, we can process life’s challenges with more ease and grace. We can use our resources wisely and we can move from surviving to thriving more efficiently. When they are unhealthy, we become stuck in a state of being that is less fulfilling and less balanced. Healthy circulation (transportation) is an essential ingredient in healthy living.

Goals and Outlines

  • Participants will review pathways, points and functions of each of the transporters.
  • Participants will learn to recognize the symptoms of pathology in each of the transporters.
  • Participants will be introduced to the concept of character style and be able to apply that concept to diagnosis of the transporters.
  • Participants will learn how to create effective treatments using the 4 transporters.
  • Catalog: 
    Texas General Acupuncture: 
    Florida General: 
    California Category : 
    Category 1

    Dr. Farrell has been practicing and teaching Chinese Medicine and Channel Theory since 1996.  Her focus is on empowerment of students and patients so that they will embody the spiritual aspects of Chinese Medicine and make them their own. She believes that self-cultivation, self-knowledge and critical thinking are essential in developing capacity as a practitioner of Chinese Medicine.  

    Yvonne is the author of two books: Psycho-Emotional Pain and the Eight Extraordinary Vessels and her latest, Acupuncture for Surviving Adversity published by Singing Dragon.  She has also written several articles for Medicinal Roots Magazine. She teaches continuing education courses in the US and internationally.


    Learn more about Yvonne Farrell’s upcoming 8 month Mentorship (36 CEUs)




    $160.00 USD

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