The Mind and the Psyche in Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture for the Treatment of the Hidden Roots of Disease | Healthy Seminars

The Mind and the Psyche in Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture for the Treatment of the Hidden Roots of Disease

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The Mind and the Psyche in Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture for the Treatment of the Hidden Roots of Disease

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This course has been updated and replaced with the upcoming live webinar on March 25, 2023 -  Consciousness, the Mind and Reality: Acupuncture's Role in Regaining Psychosomatic Sovereignty and Well-being


The effects of the Mind over the Body have been clearly emphasized in Classical Chinese Medicine for at least 10 centuries. Mind-sets and mental attitudes influence the human responses to the outer world, manifesting as emotions and classified as the inner causes of disease.

Understanding the structure of the conscious and subconscious parts of the psyche and unravelling the psychological mechanisms of “Belief systems” and helping to change these in a regular TCM setting is to treat the “Hidden Roots of Disease”.

Dr. Hamid Montakab has created a series of six courses on the topic of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Hidden Roots of Diseases. They can be taken as stand-alone, à la carte, or you can choose to do the full series.


Goals and Outlines

  • Physical and psychological health
  • Concept of the Mind and the Psyche
  • Pain the language of the body
  • The five sections of the psyche; parallels with Western psychology
  • Significance, functions and disturbances of Shen, Hun, Yi, Po and Zhi
  • Acupuncture treatment strategies
  • Mental activity and sensory perceptions
  • The subconscious and the notion of Gui ≈ Ghost
  • Clinical examples
  • Hamid D. Montakab graduated from the Medical School of Paris.

    He did his residency in Surgery and completed a 3-year education in Acupuncture and further clinical training in China, followed by 2 years of exploring local healing in the Philippines and India.

    He practiced for 5 years in America, obtaining the NCCA certification, and a degree in Chinese Herbalism. He founded the Academy of Chinese Healing Arts in Switzerland in 1986.

    Hamid was commissioned by the Swiss National Science Foundation to conduct a research study on Acupuncture and Insomnia. In 1995 he was the co-founder and president of the Swiss Professional Organization for TCM (SPO-TCM).

    He has written several acupuncture text books and his latest book, ACUPUNCTURE FOR TREATING THE HIDDEN ROOTS OF DISEASE: The Mind and the Emotions in Chinese Medicine, co-authored with Solange Montakab-Pont was published in April 2020.

    Currently, he practices in Savièse and lectures in Winterthur-Switzerland and in other European countries.


    $135.00 USD

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