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Crossroads are choice points. They are recognized as dangerous yet sacred precincts of crisis and opportunity in all ancient cultures. Humanity is at such a choice point now, a defining moment in our evolution as a species in relationship to all beings as well as the planet itself. Although there are no certainties at these crisis points, ancient teachings assure us that there are possibilities.
Practice at the Crossroads: Acupuncture, Alchemy, Spirituality and Healing is an invitation to explore some of the crucial choices facing us now. It is also a laboratory where we will begin to cultivate an attitude and develop practical skills that support the emergence of new possibilities in our patients’ lives and in our practices.
- What would change in your practice if you had the support of a community to remind you regularly to take seriously the words of the Neijing Suwen, to open the eyes of your heart daily to the light of your Self, your patients, and the natural world?
- What does healing look like when we take the risk to move beyond dualism, to courageously stand for a reality outside the numbing barrage of media chatter and our own resistance to the unknown?
- How can you more effectively address the pandemic of trauma, fear, isolation, dislocation, and emotional instability that is underlying many of the symptoms your patients bring to the treatment room?
- What are the tools and skills available to us from the past as well as those yet waiting for our discovery that can help us transform the lead of illness and suffering into the gold of wisdom, compassion, true health, and well-being.
And how would your life and work change if you felt support to lean back into your Tao in service to the cultivation of your own inner work, resiliency, and integrity?
Schedule Breakdown:
- Hour One: Introduction to Alchemical Acupuncture and its application to the treatment of psycho-emotional symptoms (lecture format)
- Hour Two: Introduction to acupuncture spirit points and Body Felt Sense (experiential format).
- Hour Three: An overview of alchemical theory, skills, tools, and practices that can be safely and effectively integrated into the acupuncture treatment (lecture format).
Goals & Objectives:
- Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of alchemy as an underpinning of Traditional Chinese Medicine and to Lorie Eve Dechar’s work with Alchemical Healing.
- Body / soul / spirit levels of treatment will be clarified.
- Students will gain a deeper sense of the underlying alchemical potential of wushen and
- Students will deepen their understanding of the Chinese concept of possession and how it relates to symptoms in contemporary therapeutic settings.
- Students will be introduced to Inner Sensing as an adjunct to their work in the treatment room.
- Students will understand and be able to identify a “body felt sense” and apply it as a tool in the treatment room.
- Students will understand the nature of a “spirit point” and be able to begin to use spirit points in their practice.